Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My First Weekend on the Road with Sixela Company

This was my first weekend setting up a booth and I did it two days in a row, phew!

Saturday we set up in Oneonta for the 34th Annual Grand and Glorious Garage Sale. I arrived half an hour earlier than my Mom and Amy. Mom was selling her recycled rugs and purses and Amy was there to help (and help she did!). As we unloaded the truck I would just point or tell Amy where to put things. She’s so great, before even setting an object down, she would say, what am I doing next? We slammed that booth together in about 40 minutes which is miraculous considering it was our first time and I had only planned the booth out on the canvas in my head. Amy and mom were teasing me about not wanting to have anything ‘that didn’t match’ hung out. Amy said, yeah, because it has to match, but not match, in the Alexis matching without matching sort of way. I liked that.

Well, we barely had the booth finished and people were coming in and buying stuff! It was so exciting. The Mid Century black faux leather chairs had three inquiries and sold within 5 minutes of putting them down! I had painted some wicker screens someone gave me for free because the loops connecting them had fallen apart to look sort of like abstract daisies to match my 50s-70s theme I was going for and we barely had them set up before someone came and asked about them. I said I hadn’t planned to sell them and they were held together with zip ties, but I suppose if someone really wanted them and would let me use them for the rest of the show I would sell them – and they bought them!

But, the biggest hit in Oneonta was the vintage clothing. I had no idea Oneonta had such a hip crowd. Very fun people.

The best part of the weekend was how many times people complimented the booth. People even thanked us for being there and for having such a nice booth. I’d call that a successful weekend! 

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