Friday, September 13, 2013

Cookson, Haeger and McCoy, OH MY!

I’m not a lucky person by nature. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I have ‘bad luck’, I’m just not lucky in general. For instance, I never win on scratch-offs, raffles, sweepstakes, quick draw and I’m sure I’ll never win the lottery.

Oh, and I’ve never found a four leaf clover.

However, lately I’m starting to think; maybe my luck is just highly focused on particular items or types of items. What got me thinking this is I’ve ‘lucked into’ several rare vintage items junk sailing over the past couple of weeks. But truly notable is that my luck seems fixated on any pottery marked USA and most often Cookson, Haeger or McCoy.

Mitch went to a yard sale with me and noticed a guy putting a box of planters out at the curb – as garbage. Guess what was in the box? About six McCoys. Son of a gun.

I took my cousin Amy’s kids, Maryjane and Adam yard sailing with me a few weeks ago and Maryjane called to me from the other end of a long table, “Alexis, I found a vase I think you would like.” Sure enough, check out this sweet Haeger find! Talk about luck! Nice that Maryjane knows my taste so well. Guess I’ll have to take them sailing again soon!

I found a few new pieces recently that weren’t marked any of the above, they were marked Brush, so, I thought, ‘ooh, cool’ something different! I got home and started researching.

Guess who made Brush.


Wow. I just can’t get away from them.

I think my Lady Luck may have a crush on USA Potters.

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